Ijams Junior Naturalist
Looking for a middle or high school program that delves deep into nature? Ijams Junior Naturalist is for you!
Ijams Junior Naturalist
The Ijams Junior Naturalist Program brings together experiential nature education and scientific environmental concepts to create an immersive opportunity for middle and high schoolers to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Through fun-filled 3-hour sessions, students will get to explore various disciplines in ecology while finding a sense of place and connection to East Tennessee.
Take a look below to see the entire program schedule!
Who can sign up for Ijams Junior Naturalist?
Ijams Junior Naturalist is designed for Middle School (Grades 6-8) and High School (Grades 9-12) students. Students will be split up into these two groups based on their grade level, allowing their level of learning to coincide with the rest of their peers.
Tuition for Ijams Junior Naturalist is $200 per student. This encompasses 8 classes, each spanning 3-hours of fun-filled experiential learning. An installment plan is available for tuition costs.
Price adjustments or refunds are not available for missed sessions due to scheduling conflicts or illness of participants. If Ijams cancels a session for any reason, that session will be rescheduled for a later date and refunded for those that cannot make that new date.
Tuition is non-transferable.
Ijams Junior Naturalist is a program run on Saturdays, once a month from October to May. Most sessions are 3-hours long.
This program is designed to include a total of 8 sessions, building on concepts throughout the school year. Participants cannot sign up for individual sessions.
Each session is detailed below, along with the session date and time.
Naturalist Skills
October 19, 2024 I 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
For the first session, students will create nature journals, using them throughout the program to track qualitative and quantitative observations, form connections between natural phenomena and their own experiences, and ask questions about the unknown. They’ll get a primer in forest ecology, learning terms and gaining language used to talk about the environment in a holistic way, all while exploring the grounds of Ijams Nature Center.
Tennessee Landscapes
November 16, 2024 I 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Geology time! Students will rock out (pun intended) to lessons all about the landscape of East Tennessee, focusing on rock formations, identifying rock types, and how the landscape formed to create the Tennessee River Valley.
Into the Dark
December 14, 2024 I 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Did somebody say meteor shower? Set during the Geminid Meteor Shower, this class will cover all things night sky. Students will identify various constellations and learn the myths and legends behind them. They’ll head on an owl prowl to find different species in the area (and meet one of the Ijams’ Eastern screech owls!) to understand their amazing nocturnal adaptations. Armed with blacklights, we’ll find fluorescent fungi and other organisms otherwise unseen to the naked eye.
Amazing Mammals
January 18, 2025 I 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
While some of the animal world sleeps the winter away, certain mammals are extremely active! During this class, we’ll join in on their winter festivities by learning how to track and find different species, identify scat and other signs of activity, and meet a few furry friends along the way.
Trees in Winter
February 22, 2025 I 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Having trouble identifying trees during the winter? With a little practice, you won’t be-leaf how easy it can be! We all know that trees improve air quality, help conserve water, and support a large variety of wildlife - but how exactly do they do that? From bark to buds, trees are waiting to tell a story, and students will gain the tools they need to speak their secret language and uncover the answers to these questions.
Plants & Fungi
March 29, 2025 I 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Identifying plants and fungi out on the trail doesn’t leave mush-room for guessing! The relationship between fungi and plants is closely intertwined, providing a foundation for all life to thrive on Earth. By dissecting flowers and taking spore prints, students will successfully connect the physical attributes of plants and fungi to how they provide medicinal benefits and cultural significance. They’ll come away with newfound knowledge to identify various plant families and fungi that call East Tennessee home.
The Secret Life of Birds
April 12, 2025 I 8:00 - 11:00 AM
Calling all bird brains, it’s your time to fly! Spring migration is a great time to get out of the nest and learn to identify new bird species by sight and sound. Participants will be given binoculars to use as we explore varying habitat types and understand what birds need to thrive in their environment. We’ll explore the secret of bird migration, nesting habits, and dive deep into the lives of our feathered friends. Students will also meet Auggie, Ijams Nature Center’s American Kestrel!
Pond Life
May 10 2025 I 5:00 - 9:00 PM
It’s salamander season! During this class, each student will receive a dip net and other equipment to explore the ponds around Ijams nature center and (respectfully) catch aquatic critters such as frogs, salamanders, snails, etc. Through sampling multiple ponds, we’ll take an inventory of what species exist and how their populations relate to water quality. This class is always a huge hit, and a great one to end the program on!
Please Note: this class is 4 hours long instead of 3 - the last hour will be a party with a campfire, s’mores, and hot chocolate!

Please email klivar@ijams.org with any questions about this program.